Compositor Nodes 3dbb Procedural Flames and Smoke

  • October 29, 2021
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: 3dbb
  • License: CC-0
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Compositor Nodes 3dbb Procedural Flames and Smoke

Here's my Procedural Flames and Smoke compositor nodes. Flame-Wiggle-01, Flame-Breakup-01, Flame-Texture-01, Flame-Top-Cutoff-01.

Flame-Wiggle-01. use a large blured noise to dispace the shape like a wiggling candle flame. Then mask the bottom to keep it in place. You can add an aditional mask if needed.

Flame-Breakup-01. Use a sharp contrasted noise to displace the wiggle shape to breakup the top. Then mask the bottom to keep it in place. You can add an aditional mask if needed.

Flame-Texture-01. Adds Noise texture to the flames. has a displacement noise to help make the texture look more natural.

Flame-Top-Cutoff-01. Adds a noise mask to the top of the flame to break it up more realisticly.

Animate the wind distance of the nodes to get movement to the noise. You can use the same nodes with diferent settings to make smoke. use use color-vibrance and plasma-beam nodes to add color and glow to the flames.

Sorry the file only contains single frames of the sequences for flames and smoke.

Sorry for the crappy animated gif.

Have fun.


  • souka profile picture

    thank you

    Written November 28, 2021
  • 3dbb profile picture

    No problem souka, hope this helps you make some cool fire effects in the compositor.

    Written November 28, 2021