X-COM:Enemy Unknown, the BEST game ever made.
An old model from my Cinema 4D days... Never did anything with it, but I improved it a bit in blender and made a VERY low poly sectoid model to go with...
Sectoid has a VERY basic FK only rig, and no weapons or items as yet.
If this proves popular I might find the time to make some more.
No need to credit me, no one knows who I am.
If you make something with it, let me know (somehow)
Very nice. Make more of these, and I'll bet more people will know who you are. Welcome to Blendswap, by the way!
X-COM... really really love that game !!! thanks for the model !!! it's great !!!
Love it making it into mini video i hope to imput video into the OpenXcomExtended
A simple and nice game.