Compositor Node 3dbb Text-Motion-01

  • December 10, 2021
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.9x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: 3dbb
  • License: CC-0
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Compositor Node 3dbb Text-Motion-01

Here's another compositor node. Text-Motion-01.

Text-Motion-01. Create motion animations for text and logos. Put the mask around letters or words you want to affect. Move the anchor point to a location for scale and rotation. Move, scale, rotate the stuff in masked area.

X-Anchor, Y-Anchor. Move the anchor point for scaling and rotation of the stuff in the mask.

Width-Mask, Hight-Mask, X-Mask, Y-Mask. Manipulate the size and location of the mask.

X-Scale, Y-Scale, Rotate, X, Y. change the scale, rotation and position of the stuff inside the masked area.

Sorry for the animated gif.

Have fun.


  • dannistories profile picture

    Oh, I like this! Thanks for your hard work!

    Written December 25, 2021
  • 3dbb profile picture

    I'm happy you like this. I hope it helps you do some great motion graphics.

    Written January 01, 2022