RuBronyCon 2015 reconstruction

  • April 03, 2022
  • Blender 2.8x
  • Render: EEVEE
  • Creator: scaled
  • License: CC-BY
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Reconstruction of RuBronyCon 2015 event. People models not included, only scene. Scene also contain some little props like laptops, paper, cameras. All cameras included with reference pictures. Reconstruction made using fSpy for finding camera position and rotation.


  • Lukas profile picture

    Thank you for sharing this detailed reconstruction of the RuBronyCon 2015 event. The attention to detail in recreating the scene, especially with the props like laptops and cameras, is impressive. Using fSpy to accurately position and rotate the cameras adds a layer of realism that truly brings the scene to life. Great work fSpy to accurately position and rotate the cameras adds a layer of realism that truly brings the scene to life. Great work! By the way, I occasionally play at online casinos and really enjoy virtual games.

    Written August 19, 2024