Creepy Room

  • June 18, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: daren
  • License: CC-0
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This is a creepy Sci Fi room from an animation

Includes a node setup in the compositor for depth of field and motion blur

the last layer has low poly proxy objects for help in setting up an animation in the scene

Check me out on facebook -- Dx3 Studios


  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    This is great. The animation was cool; it had a sense of being believable but not realistic, if you know what I mean. The lack of lip-sync was weird, but I get that. The robots, though? Awesome. Pure awesome. Oh, and you should fire Dolph; he can't spell check at all.

    Side note: using something you got off the radio will just get you introuble eventually. Try Jamendo for CC music.

    Written June 18, 2011
  • daren profile picture

    aww shucks. Thanks Hj!

    I'll post them to Blendswap eventually, But first I have to use them in an epic scene to come...

    Written June 18, 2011
  • daren profile picture


    It's not <strong>really</strong> high poly, it's <em>pretty</em> high poly :)

    But yes - modify as you wish - just if you get a chance, let me see what you come up with - I'd love to see what you do!

    Edited June 19, 2011
  • reallc28 profile picture

    wow, it looks like the room in creature factory :D

    Written June 21, 2011
  • daren profile picture

    the door that opens is from the creature factory - but the scene file I uploaded is my own creation - but certainly, I was inspired by the creature factory...

    And I don't think anyone notices why it's creepy - there are people suspended in those egg things...

    Edited June 21, 2011
  • daren profile picture

    The lack of voices was mostly a lack of female voice actors, but that has been relieved for a while. Thanks for the comment! The next scene, pretty much has the audio taken care of (the song was pretty specific, unless you're talking about sound effects --bang crash kind of stuff, I would always be willing to pass that off) but if you're still interested in upcoming scenes - you can get a hold of me through my website (check out the contact --I'll get an email. I'm not comfortable putting my email in the comment here -- crawler bots look for addresses)

    I'm working on the next scene now, then I may have to pause for a bit - need to flesh out the next bit of the story,


    Written July 05, 2011