UrbiCulture v.01

  • February 13, 2023
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 3.0x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: nomnomish
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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I am currently using Blender to create a 3D Model of the addition I am proposing to Catholic Community Services in Ogden, Utah. I think an Aquaponics system with a chicken/rabbit coop would be absolutely beneficial to our own food supply as a smaller urban area.

I've developed this system which I lovingly call "UrbiCulture" I am going to be claiming that name so that we can all just share ideas about other 'UrbiCultre' makeups and progress everyone has. I think there should be absolutely NO CORPORATIONS DEVELOPING ANY UBRICULTURE BUILDS OR FUNDING ANY "ASTROTURF" CAMPAIGNS.

The point of UrbiCulture is making due with what's in the community and creating more reliable food resources besides a global food supply chain. Think of these as "Food Supply Chain Backup Stations." Since food is getting TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE.


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