Harry Potter 7 titles animated.

  • July 07, 2011
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: BlenderNOOB
  • License: CC-BY
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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows attempted logo. Sorry, for now no new version planned as having issues with school and time and some real private stuff, so havent been blending for 3 months.

Also, This was my first project i did with blender after 2 weeks of modifying peoples blends and learning python scripting.




  • mofx profile picture

    Hey BlenderNOOB, I had a chance to look at your file. A couple things I would suggest.

    1. Your cloud/mist structure is so simple, you need a lot more depth and turbulence to the clouds. I would take a look at some of <a href="http://blenderdiplom.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=15:smoke_wild&Itemid=106&lang=en" rel="nofollow">BlenderDiplom's tutorial</a> to learn a little more about smoke.

    2. Your camera looks a little erratic.

    3. Needs some rocky material on the text.

    Hope that helps.

    Written July 08, 2011
  • the cobbster profile picture
    the cobbster

    hi could you do a COBBSTER PRODUCTIONS one for me? i need it as the start of all my films and animations i do! maybe about 5 to 10 secs long, no longer then 1min max thiough! thak you if you can, dont worry if u cant, thanks, the cobbster

    Written May 11, 2012
  • BlenderNOOB profile picture

    Sorry mate, computer broke, no blends till possibly August.

    Happy Blending -

    BlenderPRO (i wish)

    Written June 14, 2012
  • sdgsdgds profile picture

    I love your take on this issue! You’ve explained it in a way that’s easy to follow. For others who want to continue the conversation, 먹튀검증 could be a useful resource.

    Written January 08, 2025
  • gxfghfhfxh profile picture

    I love your take on this issue! You’ve explained it in a way that’s easy to follow. For others who want to continue the conversation, 안전놀이터추천 could be a useful resource.

    Written January 09, 2025