Automotive Paint Shader

  • June 04, 2024
  • Blender 3.0x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: SomeDude
  • License: CC-0
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For Blender 4.1+

A newer and superior version of my previous attempts. Less features, but far more streamlined and realistic.

The glitter affect is achieved by directly distorting the object's normals with Voronoi and noise textures. This is advantageous over using the traditional method of separating the XYZ components of a Voronoi texture, and then using it as a normal map, which shows the object's UV map seams.


  1. Adjustable base coat layer with metallic flakes

  2. Adjustable clear coat layer

  3. Sheen layer for simulating dust on the paint surface

  4. The refractive index and presence of a clear coat layer affects the refractive index of the base coat layer (base coat / clear coat interface).

  5. The roughness of the clear coat layer affects the apparent roughness of the base coat layer and metallic flakes. This approximates light scattering as it travels through a rough clear coat.

  6. Base coat and clear coat normals are separate for adding a orange peel effect.


The Standard Shader Ball scene is a USD asset created by Chris Rydalch and André Mazzone (licensed under CC BY 4.0).

It has been adapted to Blender by me.


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