Metal Trash Can Staff Pick

  • July 13, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ClayOgre
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Description:'s your standard, garden variety, corrugated metal type trash can, with bail style handles. Took me three tries to get this the way I wanted, but then I am not what you would call "advanced". No materials, since I pretty much suck at materials (but I am working on that...).

I am thinking of making different versions of this, perhaps one with various shape keys to simulate an old, beat up, battered trash can. Maybe make some contents for it, i.e. pop cans, wadded up newspaper, banana peels, empty soup cans, that sort of thing.

It might also be interesting to rig the handles and the lid.


  • PeeDee76 profile picture

    nicely modeled, well done. i'm sure i saw a tip online somewhere that if you want to simulate dents or old and beaten type look, go into sculpt mode and play around with the tools. the inflate tool set to subtract would be a good start. As for contents, download my rigs and place em inside it where they belong (lol).

    Edited July 13, 2011
  • ClayOgre profile picture


    I will look into trying to "rough it up" with the sculpt tool. I did some preliminary experiments with proportional editing that seemed to work, but sculpt might give me more control.

    Written July 13, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    That's a tidy piece of modelling, I like it. Some rusty metal texture would really finish it off nicely.

    Written August 20, 2011
  • ClayOgre profile picture

    Thank you! I agree about the texture...but I am not very good at materials. Still, I suppose I ought to make an attempt at it.

    Written August 20, 2011