Mendocino Motor

  • July 16, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: jeffie
  • License: CC-0
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the copper wires are done with a normal map texture

also my first use of motion blur


  • robertpmc profile picture

    An excellent video of an inventive and creative man who puts across this solar/magnetic motor in glorious simplicity. I think the references to the "sweat" are telling too. Simple, the refined concepts may have become, but simple often takes more hard work than complexity does. Good science is supposed to be simple and explainable to all - this video is good science! The connection to Blender is also in the processes of preparation (the hard work of acheiving finesse). A great video and a great lesson! Full Marks! - [My references to simple are in the vein of the philosophies of Friar William of Ockham and Sir Francis Bacon].

    Written May 06, 2012
  • robertpmc profile picture

    This comment [above] was meant for the live vid of the motor and its maker. I apologise for misplacing it here, I'm not sure how I did that!

    Having now watched your animation, I can see that you're on the same road to finesse! Nice work.

    Written May 06, 2012