Thanks ZanQdo for providing a node group that calculates the correct fresnel from an IOR.
Thanks BlenderCookie for the fluid sim tutorial:
A lot of physics simulation here, are to be baked by yourself, like Savage said, it would be too much data to be uploaded here
OK... I don't get it. There is only four basic material inside .blend file. Where's super duper water material?
Same here. I see a rather useful setup for a fluid sim, but not water material?
You guys have to bake the simulation we don't allow bake files to be uploaded on the site.
WHERE is water material? is a waste of time to see the .blend. Please give a right name to your files. No water material here. is FULL of physics simulation here, and no need to make this scene. It's a RESOURCE for Blender Swap or your personal render????
Did you bake the simulation? Look at the other comments, the last two people had your same issue and they all didn't bake the simulation. Please read other comments before posting the same thing.
You need to think your comments through more mate, the maker probably spent a lot of time and effect into this and here you are criticising him.
I agree, you should name your materials if you are uploading the blend here.
the material really isn't there, just a simple glass shander, no node group. and please, don't recommend me to bake, like to others.