This is my first model that I've uploaded that has a UV texture on it, and I'm not sure how It's going to turn out. If you download it, and it doesn't look like a Wood Floor, then leave a comment, and I will try to fix it, and if you know what the problem is, then please leave a comment, and I will fix it.
Ok, it's a good start. You'd better add and normal, and specular map too. So I've done the texture for you (normal, spec, displacement).
You can now update your model to be more realistic.
Here's the URL, please let me know when you got the file for me to delete it :
Ok, thanks Wax, I got the textures, and I am working on them right now, as soon as I get them applied, I will re-upload the blend and update the preview picture.
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Thanks, Iron. Nicely done.