If you're a dork like me, then you may enjoy an occasional game of minecraft. And if you also like to do a little blending on the side, then you might enjoy this file. I've also made this available on the official minecraft forums, but I thought maybe there would also be one or two people over here who would get some fun out of this.
All the characters are rigged, light emitting blocks are spitting out the appropriate amount of light, etc. I would also suggest toggling the normals on the textures as that gives everything a really minecraftish blocky feel. you can see a render with normals enabled here:
I have pretty much dropped updating this blend, too busy... The original MC forums thread is here:
Inside you will find additional blends (stairs, slabs, fences, pistons, etc) and last I checked at least one guy had picked up the blend where I left off, merging everything into one and adding new items.
I'm pretty sure that the MC textures are not banned from distribution. I say this because the original texture files are freely available for download via minecrafts wiki and forums. I think its a technicality, but I'm almost certain that notch doesn't actually care about people including his textures in their files. In fact there was a source map that used his textures and some people put up a fuss over it, while notch simply shared a link to it because he thought it was nifty.
I'll also go on to say that I've had this particular file shared on the official minecraft forums(Notch reads this forum regularly) for weeks with no issues, or complaints. Furthermore, there has been a similar, but outdated blend on the official forums since blender was at 2.48 (or 2.49, not sure). The same blend is also on MODDB.
If the character models are an issue, then there are plenty of blends already on this site with trademarked items, characters and logos that would also need to be removed.
Having said all that, if a mod thinks it just and fair that I remove the textures from the file, allowing users to link in the textures from their own files, then I'll be more than happy to do so. I'm all for keeping folks happy, but sometimes people just need to take a deep breath and relax. Minecraft isn't run by Apple, they aren't going to sue blendswap for something so entirely trivial.
Yeah that's because the games' new textures use grayscale foilage and grass tiles. The game derives the color for these textures from the files called grasscolor.png and foilagecolor.png. For this blend I just the uv mapped the trees and grass to the grayscale tiles and used the textures/materials options to tint them green. Its not perfect, but it is customizable at least :)
I was also confused when they started using the greyscale tiles.
thanks! the scale isn't quite 1:1. I've been working on a new version (on very very limited free time) which has everything scaled to the correct size (1X1X1 m blocks) and a grid setup for true care free snapping. Either way, on this one the blocks do snap without any gaps and you shouldn't actually have to hold ctrl, just toggle grid snapping. Then again, nothing is perfect and I haven't toyed with this particular blend since I made it, so I might be wrong.
Super, you probably haven't switched the viewport window to textured. It's on solid mode by default.
You, good sir, have rendered me speechless. (pun intended) Too bad blender is not powerful enough to create minecraft; yet.
@annoying bastard your name really represents who you are. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Law-Dummies-John-Ventura/dp/0764558307 its still in stock you should get it, if notch believes this infringes his copyright, he can report but He likely Wont these types of stuff Make you want to play/buy mine craft more, theres many Pirated Copies of mine craft out there does notch care yes, but Is he doing much about it? not really @Dave vanos love it good job ^^
is there a reason i only get color during rendering cause in view where i can manipulate i get no color just grey
This is awsome!!!! But could you update it so it has a few more features like fences
I've abandoned this blend basically, but I added the mc forums topic link, there is a few more blends in the OP with additional rigs and parts.
Hey can you help me? I want to use it, but i havent textures! There are only white models! Pls Help
Are you sure that you are on "Textured" mode? You might be on the other, tht I can't remember atm
hey can I use the blocks for the background of an animation Im doing... i already have a model and texture for "steve."
It is just what I was looking for!Thanks alot! Also a answer to a question alot of people are asking: To see their textures in view mode,be sure you have texture display on aswell.Also if you do see the textures in view mode,but blury,dont worry in render they are all normall.
legend mate! Ive been wanting to make MC animations for ages and this helps me sooooooo much! all i needed was a rig!
First off I would like to say wonderful job and thanks so much for this. I am teaching a few younger individuals animation and what better way then to use characters and items from one of there favorite games. I just found this site and and wasn't sure what I would find here to help save me some time and this is far more then I expected. Wonderful job, and thanks again.
Dude thanks I'll totally credit u plus not everyone who plays mc and blends is a geek. not that i can talk;P
i like it but i'll use my own character model which u can download on blendswap. yes i am a geek and i like it that way!
You are allowed to distribute minecraft texture files........................................
Yes, indeed, I'm sure poifox would let you know of any copy write ;D
How did you (in the picture) get WOLVERINE's hair to look like that?
Somebody, please tell me the appeal of minecraft model scale. It is like if I put soccer ball thread patterns on a cube and called it a minecraft soccer ball.
I don know if anyone else had this, but Steve, the pig man, and the zombie all had some weird bump stuff going on. I decided I didn't like it so I selected each individually, went to their respective texture, and, under influence, under geometry, turned normal off.
Hello davevanos, I have read that your model is a fan art, but I want to ask you personal. Can I use it for a animation. Please answer me. thank you, pwe
May I use this for youtube? I will give credit if you want. I would like to use this for thumbnails
Thanks very much. I've used this in some short animations.
Thanks For This Figure davevanos i am use this BPS Animations!
how do i get the texture ive seen people say use texture mod how do i do that?