Easy to use advanced IK rig setups
for an 6-axis industrial robot
Use the setup to apply to your own robot model(s)
Layer 1: Legacy IK solver rig
Layer 2: iTaSC IK solver rig
Layer 3: Custom bone shapes
Layer 4: typical industrial robot programming modes with bezier curve example
(front view)
Legacy IK solver advantage: custom bone rotations possible within IK chain
iTaSC IK solver advantage: smoother axis rotations
100 frame example animation incl.
Rig setup and instruction:
IK chain bones: turret, arm1,
arm2, arm3, arm4, ik (bone layer 2)
FK bones: welding
Key the empty location to
move 6-axis robot
Key if required the welding bone
IPO curve: use linear interpolation for realistic robot movement
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