My first attempt at modeling any kind of character.
Please be kind and forgive any poor topology.
Thanks Matthew for the advice. My 10 year old son and I are trying to learn how to use the program just for fun. He loves to draw and is designing a character sheet for us to model together. Some of the things you mention I noticed after finishing, or should I say abandoning the cartoon fly. It was only ever meant as a first step.There is so much great information and quality tutorials out there that it was almost too much to keep up with. So I found that the best way for me to learn was to try to create something that appealed to both my son, and myself. I think I learned as much from the mistakes I made in creating this than I knew when starting. :D Thanks again.
For a very first attempt to model a character this model already shows a great deal of sophistication when it comes to proportions.
I think that is already a very important factor to consider.
What a well-reasoned argument! You’ve explained everything so clearly. For those who want to read more about this topic, 메이저사이트추천 is a good place to start.
Really nice overall. Couple things. First from everything I've learned you want to model a character in a T pose and I think that means straight legs, maybe a better expert than me can clarify on that. There's also a crease on the head from the modifier, not sure if that's intentional or not. There's one face on the antenna that is black that should be green, not a real big deal. Depending on if/how your going to rig the hands you'll need more loop cuts around the knuckles so they can blend. Really all just little things, great job for your first character model and thanks for sharing it with us.