Sliding Text V0.1

  • October 16, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: bayesian
  • License: CC-0
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My first try at creating a reusable blender script. It's an easy-to-use blend file to create a sliding text animation for inclusion in videos.

Follow these steps:

  • Change the text lines

  • Change the parameters to your liking (in the scene properties panel)

  • Customize the rendering parameters to your needs (Full HD + Motionblur by Default)

  • If you update the parameters, hit the "update sliding text" to update the animation

Don't try to hand-animate the text objects, this data will be overwritten. You can change the material, camera, background etc. though.

You can change the "Stay" frames to extend the duration of the text standing still. It is much faster to just copy one of these frames to extend for a longer time period in the video editor of your choice.


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