Advanced Hand Rig V0.1

  • October 24, 2011
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: metalix
  • License: CC-BY
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Hey guys

This is version 0.1 of my hand rig.

The goal is to have an easier to use hand rig for picking up objects


cause I suck at animating, and can never get those fingers to work right

This is experimental only, Feel free to use, edit and re-post

I do appreciate being credited for my work, but this is not required


most of the bones function as normal, however there is a few extra bones.

All the bones you move are on layer 1, all extra bones on layer 2

palm.04.L -> moves a lot of bones, works to 'cup' the hand

roll.*.L -> these bones control the finger curl

curl.fix.*.L -> these bones help to clasp the fingers a little tighter

ik.*.L -> these bones give finer control over the fingers, effectively 'pointing' the fingers

shrinkwrap.L -> controls how much the fingers are attracted to the object specified in the constraints of the ik bones

In the future I will add features for using physics rather than shrinkwrap

Also want to add a panel to control it, as well as a script to build it into the current rigify generator.

Let me know if you have any suggestions on my facebook page or my website

Enjoy the rig :D


  • metalix profile picture

    Hi, yes there is a bone shape for the hand, all other bone shapes will be added when the rig is complete Thanks :D

    Written October 24, 2011
  • poifox profile picture

    @Jonathan Kim, because you are not logged in when leaving the comment.

    Written November 26, 2011
  • matthewinglis profile picture

    Whoa! I can see why it says 'advanced hand rig' :o

    Written August 13, 2013
  • jamessemaj profile picture

    i can do the animation if everything else is prepared like the bones

    Written November 18, 2014