Altair Model

  • November 24, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Jonathan Kim
  • License: CC-BY
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This is Altair from Assassins Creed. tell me what you think


  • metalix profile picture

    Hi, good work, needs a few things though. You need to put some work into the weight painting to make it look more natural if you go into edit mode, select all and remove doubles, there is a lot also normals need recalculating. and there is a few intersections also for the armature select your mesh and in the modifiers panel check preserve volume, it will help keep it together more Otherwise good character :D

    Edited November 24, 2011
  • vicentecarro profile picture

    I can not see the textures over here. I've tried even to "find missing textures" without luck.

    Written November 25, 2011
  • paulbird profile picture

    Please make animation for this!

    Edited June 13, 2012
  • TheAnimatoor profile picture

    why is my view at a wierd angle when i open the file? And is there any way i could fix it?

    Written July 08, 2017
  • TheAnimatoor profile picture

    Oh, also, I'm new to downloading blender files, do I need to go through all the textures myself, or is there another, easier way?

    Written July 08, 2017