Screw Driver

  • December 04, 2011
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: jeffie
  • License: CC-0
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Screw driver rendered with Cycles

Rendered with subdivision surface modifier set at 2, but it does a fair job without it.


  • metalix profile picture

    Looks great. Love the handle. the metal could do with some work though. looks a little plasticy. Perhaps give it some more glossyness, and a clouds texture stretched really far. (gives that metal streaks look)

    Written December 05, 2011
  • jeffie profile picture

    Thanks. I wasn't happy with the metal myself, but at some point you just have to move on.

    The problem is more in texture stretching than in the material. No matter what I did, Cycles wouldn't map it right. Lots of edge loops and subsurface. Edge crease. Nothing worked. Finally went with a simple mesh, no smoothing, as the "least bad" option. Keeping the gloss down and minimal displacement minimizes other, even worse, problems.

    If anyone has a better solution, feel free to update and post.

    Written December 05, 2011
  • metalix profile picture

    You were correct to have a non smooth mesh. though you can also use an edge-split modifier if you want smooth and flat surfaces. For the metal. I had a look at your nodes and the solution would be to simply add in an HDRI environment map to the world settings. The reason it looks plasticy is because there is nothing to reflect.

    Also if the wood texture is from CGtextures - Which I believe it is. May I ask you to re-upload without that texture: WoodFine0005_1_S.png As blendswap does not allow textures from cgtextures as they cannot be re-distributed.

    Thank you

    Written December 05, 2011
  • kevin_rocker_lake profile picture

    Awesome retro screwdriver!

    Written December 05, 2011
  • Jonas Grumby profile picture
    Jonas Grumby

    Nice work overall! What technique did you use to model the handle? I just did a screwdriver and the handle was tough. I ended up modeling one side, then using an Array modifier with an Object offset to duplicate, rotate and position the remaining sides. That didn't seem like a very accurate way to do it but it worked.

    Written January 16, 2017