Christmas Present, With Bow

  • December 05, 2011
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: KrashTestDumby
  • License: CC-0
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Bow made from Nurbpath's and a NurbCurve, re-sized and placed on UV unwrapped Christmas present complete with a ribbon. The .blend file contains instructions and notes on how I made the bow in a text block for reference.


  • KrashTestDumby profile picture

    Fred: Yeah, I had the same problem which is why I submitted this (my first). I can find tutorials on ropes, chains, cables and zillions on twisting all kinds of solids, but not a simple flat bow! So the real help in my file is the bow - there's tons of stuff on making boxes, lids and UV unwrapping, so the "bow" is the bigger item, which is why I put the documentation in the text box and left it open.

    Glad you liked it and found it useful. Merry Christmas present! :-)

    Written December 05, 2011