This is the Worlds First Super Extra Advanced Real Track Simulation in Blender's Game Engine or simply W.F.S.E.A.R.T.S.B.G.E. :)
The goal of my experiment is to make track simulation with no pythoning and no cheating, just pure rigid body joints and logic bricks.
I'm pretty happy with the results, and feel my self ready to try to make a tank duel game, but maybe someone can guide me how to work with big terrain?
P.S. If You find my scene useful, You can make with it what ever You want - with one exception: don't use it in military needs :)
This is a prototype for a tank, and I use q.w.a.s because tank (at least Russian T34) controls left and right side separately. And yes, it's Wall-E, just because Number Five is more difficult to model, it needs more time.