Maintaining wheels rest in touch with the ground and follows the relief..
She(It) also follow the nurbspath even if we change the direction(management) of points it edit mode.
Steering wheels just serves to adjust the detail of wheels in object mode or to turn(shoot) them if not to use you not the follow path.
We can use all his(her,its) elements to refine the animation.
Some imperfection persist but I think that the next version will be the maid.
have fun!
... Assuming that the wheels go around (haven't checked it out yet) ;)
@ jat artist There's a tut on vimeo, done by johnathan williamson. Its not definitive but definitly worth watching to get a grasp on the concepts. It may well be on Blendercookie, but vimeo is where i watched it
in basical english,
not mastery not perfectly the rigg at the moment, what makes that there is some imperfection when we turn wheels. But the base is there and I shall make a tuto when I shall have adjusted last problem which I meet.
To make a rigg on your own vehicle, erase the one who is present by keeping bones and assigns bones independently as adorn(counter), body on the central bone and the wheel except for on bones recpectifs.
Also erase the animation of the wheels which turns to modify him and adjust your own animation.
I look forward to the tuturial Aldjuan, I saw a tut before, but it was quite old for car rigging in 2.5+.
thanks for the heads up Blender noob pd, I guess it's another project to add to the long list for the New Year, phew! ;)
Please make models like this car because they are easy to be animated ..
Great, although I'd love a tutorial on how this rigging works - would be really handy to know to add to my own vehicals ;)