This Blend was made following this tutorial:
Why did you get rid of the header so cant we save it or export it? It's Pretty useless to upload a model for us to use if we cant save our modifications or export the model. How do i bring back the header so i can save my modifications or export? >:(
Haha, nice try, but i figured out how to restore the header so we can save it and export the model. I shouldnt give you credit on the model for doing that mean trick, but i still will since i figured out how to bring the file menu back. Anyone else having this problem, just go to the top, right click, and hit restore and the file menu will now be available for you to save and export.
He made it so we couldnt save anything on the project file by removing the "File" menu.
the body is okay but the head is not good. here is a tutorial has helped me a lot: