Scales (Simplified From Sintel)

  • January 13, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: daren
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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this is Scales, from Sintel. I have simplified his textures, baked

the normal maps from multires, fixed the armature button script to

work with 2.61, and a few tweaks.

He is a major character in my next scene of Giants in the Earth (skip

to 7:30 to see ACTION, watch it all to see the plot)

Here is the original copyright statement:

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

You are free:

  • to copy, distribute and display the work

  • to make derivative works

  • to make commercial use of the work

Under the following conditions:

You must attribute the work as:

(C) Blender Foundation -


  • FMF483 profile picture

    can u add the animations to a real life video like cgi

    Written February 06, 2012
  • daren profile picture

    Unsure what you are asking. If you mean "is it possible to use this character incorporated with real life video" -- yes -- check out all of the camera tracking hubbub going on at Blender Nation and Blender artists

    If you are asking if "I" could add the animations to real life video -- depends on the situation. I could, but it's not my strong suit (it would be my first live action /CG overlay)

    Edited February 06, 2012
  • JimRice2018 profile picture

    Yes you can. I like to do that.

    Written October 10, 2015
  • Blender Alpha profile picture
    Blender Alpha

    well here's a link to a web site with a cg overlay tutorial that gores pretty in dept. oh and can include the bad guy in one of your swaps i really need him for a movie i'm making, thanks :-)

    Written February 10, 2012
  • kindergarten profile picture

    Hi, Textures are not visible when rendering.

    Written March 11, 2012
  • daren profile picture

    This file was never meant to be renderable-- but to hold the model so you can append into a scene file --- the material is overriden in the layers menu here. anyways, to render the materials you need to go to the render layers, and there is a "Material" box (just to the right of Mask layers and just below the scene layers). This sets the global material that overrides object materials. "Material" (a generic white) is in it. Delete that "Material" and the materials will render as normal.

    Edited March 11, 2012
  • kindergarten profile picture

    Thanks, after appending to the scene , the rendering is OK with textures.

    Written March 11, 2012
  • blenderCGanimator profile picture

    Thanks for the model!!!

    Written December 08, 2012
  • davemsargent profile picture

    Ok please don't be mad but would you guys mind if i put this in a game i'm making and other people can download it?❍ᴥ❍

    Written February 05, 2013
  • rambo profile picture

    the rigging have so many layers

    Written March 30, 2013
  • PenguinGeneral profile picture

    Nice scene!!!

    Written July 15, 2013
  • oliko89 profile picture

    Amazing dragon!!!!!!

    Written August 01, 2013
  • stevepicsnikon profile picture

    Cool Dragon Thanks

    Written December 01, 2013
  • Mike101 profile picture

    Yeah,I've seen the movie and am not a big fan of the way they created the dragon(looks kind of like a bat) but it still looks cool tanks for the model

    Written December 09, 2013
  • batman1989 profile picture


    Written February 09, 2014