Hair Texture Maker

  • February 02, 2012
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: eafg
  • License: CC-BY
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We all have meet the problem to create a proper hair texture to our models,

While searching on Photoshop tutorials on advance technique on how to do it and it has been hard.

That is why I created the Hair maker to simply create good looking hair texture without spending hours

in Photoshop/ Gimp.

All information about editing is in the blend file


  • contmike profile picture

    This is just awesome!! :D Thank you very much for this.

    Written February 02, 2012
  • eafg profile picture

    I know, and the variety is nearly limitless. Quick editing with fast render and all.

    Written February 02, 2012
  • thordwilk profile picture

    Very useful test blend for those looking to see what a piece of hair setup is going to look like without having to get all the fiddly bits at the beginning done.

    Written February 02, 2012
  • mofx profile picture

    Ok so I made my texture, what is the best way to apply it to my hair model?

    Written February 03, 2012
  • resdev profile picture

    Quite useful.


    Written February 03, 2012
  • Frost2089 profile picture

    Ive been looking for something like this for a few days now, but it crashes blender when I try to open it, do you think you could update it to the most recent ver of blender? It would be greatly appreciated

    Written June 12, 2012
  • dundaglan profile picture

    Brilliant.. cheers for that. How you change the colour guys?

    Written January 25, 2014