Que tal
en esta ocacion comparto este .blend para todos los que quieran "Tocar" un poquito lo que seria el modelo de esta perra con nombre Roxie que esta modelado en poco tiempo, fue el primer personaje que modele en blender y ya hace bastante la tenia escondidita por hay y ahora tengo la oportunidad de compartirlo a todos los grandes genios de! Saludos !
What's up!
In this occasion I share this. Blend for those who want to "Play" a little bit what would become the model for this dog named Roxie who is modeled on a short time, was the first character modeling in blender and already quite hidden, and now I have the opportunity to share all the great geniuses on! Greetings!
Very thanks friend, truth is not a big deal, but it gets better everyday, thanks for comment
Thanks so much dude this figure is perfect for auto weights for a quick game or animation im using it as a animation THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for comment friend! I hope you can use it for anything you need :)
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Thats really cool for your first character. Well done.