Federation Runabout DS9 Fan Art Staff Pick

  • February 22, 2012
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ChrisKuhn
  • License: CC-0
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One of the "shuttles" From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. All details are modeled... the only textures in the picture are the decals (and some dirt/weathering). The engine glow is accomplished with compositor nodes (node setup included in file). This is actually a very accurate model of the ships used on the show. However, true geeks will find some inconsistencies. For example, I've "invented" a few techno-gizmos here and there. Also, some of the materials are more metallic looking than "real" Star Trek ships.




  • skynet profile picture

    Wow that's amazing work well done

    Edited February 22, 2012
  • Jay-Artist profile picture

    Didn't like Ds9, but ship looks great! ;)

    Written February 23, 2012
  • tom.findrik profile picture

    Just a note that this design is intelectual property of film company that made star Trek, but probaby person could use parts of this good looking spaceship :)))))))

    Written February 23, 2012
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Yes, that would be Paramount Pictures, and you bring up an interesting point. I've seen other sites where people are actually selling models of famous Sci-Fi ships. My father is a patent attorney and I've brought the subject up. Bottom line is that if you do not ask money for your work, it probably falls under the "Fair Use" clause. If you do ask money than it is illegal... but unless you're making a fortune it's probably not worth Paramount's time to come after you.

    Edited February 23, 2012
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    If it weren't for the "Fair Use" clause, a lot of modeling could not be done. You would need Ford's permission to Model a Mustang and Lockheed Martin's permission to model an F-35. Heck, schoolchildren probably couldn't draw pictures of firetrucks without calling up the manufacturers. Thankfully, that's not the case. As long as you don't try to profit off of someone else's work, you're usually good to go.

    Edited February 23, 2012
  • Sniffle profile picture

    Not to be a bummer but aren't you arguing that it would not fall under the CC0 license since it cant be used commercially? I love the model though.

    Edited May 03, 2012
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    @Sniffle: I don't really know about this whole CC0 thing. Honestly, I just said you can do whatever you want with it... if you do something illegal, that's on you:)

    Edited May 04, 2012
  • manfro1981 profile picture

    i like to know if famous shapes can be used ,for example i tried to make a game that rely on battelstargalactica's world but i don't know i can use ships layouts ,the show's copyright was of the nbc, and it mean all ideas ,music ,other are inteletual-property of nbc until copyringht end or be selled to ohters.

    Written February 23, 2012
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Well, I'm no expert, but the same rules generally apply to different media formats. Basically, if you are doing something for fun (and for free), then you're probably okay. It's when you try to sell the game that you'll run into IP infringement issues. Theoretically, NBC could come after you... not only the profits that you made, but any "losses" that they can demonstrate as a result of your work (whether or not they actually lost money is irrelevant). Up to you, but if you're going to put in that kind of work anyway I recommend coming up with your own stuff. I mean, the concept of a "space fighter" is not copyrighted, nor is the idea of an aircraft carrier in space. Now, if you called it "Battleship: Galactic" then you might be pushing it:)

    Edited February 23, 2012
  • fxbar profile picture

    Wow, great. You are a real wizard. Thanks a lot

    Edited March 01, 2012
  • Andy81le profile picture

    Incredible detail, very impressive! Great work, thanks a lot for sharing.

    Written March 25, 2012
  • Kenneth.Of.Borg profile picture

    http://www.botf2.star-trek-games.com/ We at Star Trek Supremacy love our work. May we use some of you Star Trek models in our fan game? Visit us at the forums above.

    Edited March 29, 2012
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    By all means...please do. If there are specific models you guys are looking for, let me know and I'm sure we could work something out.

    Edited March 29, 2012
  • slf profile picture

    Hi Chris. We are from Slafe Games and we are programming a 3D game. Your animations and projects are great. We need a graphic designer like you. If you're interested write us an e-mail please. Our e-mail adress: Slafe.Games@gmail.com

    Written April 06, 2012
  • Jonas108 profile picture

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. I just quickly rendered this with the octane demo and boy does it look sweet with the glowing parts. Just need some proper material for the hull now.

    Written April 25, 2013
  • korax profile picture

    Just like everyone said - incredible detail! But I also like the lighting. I would say your models generally also exceed in that area as well. Very nice, really.

    Written March 04, 2018
  • Max45 profile picture

    Nice man. Inspire me a lot to concept elements called "space junk". Your credit atached and congratulations. Thank you very much! Edward from Brazil.

    Written April 19, 2019
  • Allengib profile picture

    Haven't seen the down load yet but going by the picture you have it look wonderful.

    Written June 12, 2019
  • Kaliam profile picture

    Hey ChrisKuhn! This is an absolutely amazing model. For some reason, I can't seem to get the decal textures to work correctly, even in Blender 2.4x... There seems to be a missing file from the zip, specifically it's called "Tex4Align.jpg". It's also not packed into the .blend.

    I know it's a bit of a long shot, but do you still have the original file laying around somewhere? I am working on some fan renders using Unreal Engine 5, and I would love to get those decals working correctly!

    Written February 17, 2022
  • DonB profile picture

    Nice work!

    Written October 11, 2023
  • sdgsdgds profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀검증순위 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written January 25, 2025
  • gxfghfhfxh profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀검증순위 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written January 27, 2025