Seeing as the Wheatley model got some good feedback, I thought I'd model and rig GladOS.
This file includes the GladOS Potato battery from the game! I thought it would be a nice addition since i couldn't find a potato GladOS model anywhere.
This update makes the model closer to the game model. There are also some minor rig tweaks added.
As always, let me know what you think and leave any critiques you may have :)
Thanks man. Lower the subsurfs on the cables or change it to BI. Glad you like it though :D
Nice model, but I think her head it a little wide....
TIP: to make her look like she's high poly without so many subsurfs, use shade smooth than add an edge split modifier.
I did use that throughout the whole model. Theres only a subsurf level 2 at most. What slows it down is the sheer amount of wires.
I love how the rig works, I'm looking forward to doing some Augmented Reality stuff with this! I'll be sure to credit you, thanks for the amazing model!
How do you make wires? im really new to blender and wires are the most important things i need for my models, please help me out!
im using a MacBook Pro and it wont open as a .blend it just says .zip.cpgz , i open that and then its just .zip and then back too .zip.cpgz. Please Help!
This is the best GLaDOS model out. Except for the original. Thumbs up
Best GLaDOS model ever. But the eye (with the socket) should be put a bit to the left - starting from the corner of the head plating, like this:
when i use ''file'' ''append'' the rig doesn't apear in the render why? pls reply
How do I pose it? Whe nI move the thingies it only moves the wires.
What does LAYER BLOCKS and LAYER 1 Mean? I'm A noob and need help.
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Good ! I
d like to create animation.... Oh no ! It
s very slowly rendering :( But the model is very nice !!!