This is the blend + textures from the "Draw Your Own Render" tutorial.
Very nice composition, I support the comments for a little tutorial please ;-), thank you in advance !
It's still converting. I'll be posting it after I make final adjustments. BlendSwap just accepts my files quicker than youtube lol.
That's really cool with a much more artistic leaning than you'll usually find. I'd be interested to see what your final animation looks like - I'll keep my eye on youtube.
When the tut goes live, please make a note of it here. Looking forward to it!
can't wait it looks great... please post the youtube link when it's uploaded.
Make sure and post a link to the tutorial in the model description, and we'll get this posted to blendernation for ya. Great look btw.
What program did you use to draw the pictures? The weblike connections look familiar (like a Processing function or a javascript app)
Thank you masterxeon. I'll download this for educational purposes only.
Where is the tutorial this comes from?