Rope texture and application

  • March 03, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: hotzst
  • License: CC-0
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This Swap contains two blend files. The first (ropeTexture) creates the fine rope texture which is used in the second (ropeCycles). The second model is basically to show how the material looks when actually applied. The modeling of the rope followed the tutorial. Also included is a gimp file of the texture rotated by 30 degrees (color, specular, bump) as a Gimp file.


  • lionroots profile picture

    I would have hoped to see more subtle details like what we can see here : But from far it should do the job

    Written March 15, 2012
  • christinegainey profile picture

    This blend is absolutely fantastic! The level of detail and the effort put into this work are really impressive. As a Blender enthusiast, I always appreciate seeing such high-quality projects shared with the community. It's blends like this that inspire others to push their creative boundaries. If you're looking for more creative and business-driven individuals making an impact, check out on Firmenabc. He’s an interesting figure doing great work in his field. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to seeing more blends like this!

    Written September 26, 2024