Scanning Desktop

  • March 13, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: TheDuckCow
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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I scanned various objects on my desk to use as a reference for modeling high-quality, 3D counterparts. Similarly, I used scans for the texture of the tape's cardboard, and for the coins I extracted normal maps (and then displacement maps) from 4 scans of each face, as I explain in the tutorial below:

[tutorial not yet released]

Some of the coins are not the best quality, so I will later release a blend file of better versions and of more coins. The stapler is high quality model which is also rigged for animation, the demonstration of the stapler and the tutorial on the basics of rigging with constraints and drivers is below:

All textures were created and edited by me, Patrick W. Crawford. The environment texture was captured using my iPhone, utilizing an app called "photosynth".


~Patrick W. Crawford


  • hansberickson profile picture

    Great job and I am looking forward to your tutorials on how you modeled and textured this share.

    On a slightly critical note I noticed that at least one of the textures was not packed. Cycles dose not do a good job at packing textures at the moment so for that reason I would put your textures in a separate folder, make your path reletive, and then zip the blend and the textures together. This is allowed and with cycles even suggested.

    Also to make sure your licence is followed it is always good to include a text file in the blend with your licence as well as contact information.

    Thank you again for this fine share!!

    Edited March 13, 2012
  • TheDuckCow profile picture

    The "unkpacked" texture should just be the wood one from, I checked on another machine/OS to see everything was there that was meant to be there. I wish blender had a more concrete way of "removing" a texture. As for a separate folder, that actually sounds like a more general option for even internal render scenes, I'll do that in the future. Thanks!

    Tutorials indeed coming soon :)

    Edited March 13, 2012
  • LswaN profile picture

    Cool render, I'm looking forward to your tutorial on making those normal and displacement maps, the coins look great!

    Edited March 13, 2012