Ml6 Carbine

  • March 19, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Jonathan Kim
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Second gun if made... its a slight improvement from my S&W, but for some reason the mag and handle will not render in the game engine. Any suggestions? Every opinion counts :-)


  • PeeDee76 profile picture

    i dont use the B.G.E at all but possible suggestions could be the little camera icon in the outliner has been switched to off, or maybe it's a case of render layer settings. i haven't opened the blend but is the mag and handle on same layer? if not put all on same layer n try again, narrow down the possibilities. im a newbie so it may be blind trying to lead the sighted. hope u fix for your game

    Edited March 19, 2012
  • Jonathan Kim profile picture
    Jonathan Kim

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I already checked if they were on the same layer and I made sure that it was set to visible... Thanks anyways. I appreciate ur help :).

    Edited March 19, 2012
  • crichards profile picture

    Firstly, let me say I appreciate your contribution, so I hope I can make this sound more helpful than harmful.

    Aside from your use of projection from view when unwrapping I can't seem to figure out what your workflow was. Overall, it looks like you have more UVs mapped unintentionally than ones that intentionally utilize the template image/texture. A lot are mapped to vertices that you can't see from the angle you unwrapped at. Taking a look at the butt stock now, I can see it's a completely flat plane which contains 336 triangles. As for the object being represented, the geometry is solid where a sight should be on the top of the rifle as well as numerous uses of 2d shapes.

    I suggest watching a tutorial on this type of thing, taking note of what you did differently. This comment is running a little long so I'll cut it short and let you take off from there.

    Edited March 19, 2012
  • Jonathan Kim profile picture
    Jonathan Kim

    thanks for the comment! :) yeah your right... dont worry I know a little more about guns and modeling them then when i made this, so now im planning to make a newer version of this with an actual butt stock, iron sights, and maybe a dust cover.

    Edited April 01, 2012
  • thiagobge profile picture

    sua arma e muito boa detalhada mai nao podia usar menos vertisis mais de 10.000 vetisis e foda

    Written July 04, 2012