Firewater bottle

  • March 20, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: danilius
  • License: CC-BY
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From the depths of the goblin mines comes the Ancient Firewater. Forged with hand-polished water boiled in the fires from the heart of volcano, even Real Men shy away from sipping this enchanted akvavit.

This wonderful bottle features a Grolsch-style swing-top ceramic lid, and deep and mysterious Firewater, with all materials designed for Cycles awesomeness.

Even though I have licensed this as CC-BY, if it isn't practical to credit me (such as using this in an ad) then don't.


  • MimingApe profile picture

    Hey, it seems you really know how to work the glass material. every time I use the default glass it has a black reflection that makes it look black. Any idea on how to fix that?

    Written March 20, 2012
  • CobaltActive profile picture

    its because the sky is black...

    Written April 07, 2015
  • danilius profile picture

    I'm assuming you are using Cycles. Two things: make sure you have enough Transparency Bounces in the integrator - just put in something like 8 or 24 or 32. If that does not help, check your normals are correctly oriented.

    Written March 23, 2012
  • CobaltActive profile picture

    and it also says "render: Cycles" at the top of the page, so looking at those useless details was kind of a time waster, huh?

    Written April 07, 2015
  • Paint Guy profile picture
    Paint Guy

    Hi, can

    Written April 24, 2012
  • danilius profile picture

    This has to be rendered in cycles. If you are, and everything else works fine, then do tell me.

    Written May 07, 2012
  • Quinlan profile picture

    Nop, you forget to pack the textures (and alors the "studio20.hdr"). You can find it here : Thanks google !

    Written June 08, 2012
  • danilius profile picture

    Ah, of course! Well done, Quinlan.

    Written June 12, 2012
  • giochinoy profile picture

    wow! this is good! i hope theres a tutorial on yt for this?

    Written August 14, 2022