Kitchen Table crtn

  • April 01, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: sizzler
  • License: CC-BY
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Another wooden kitchen table, sort of a Spanish-style with heavy, turned legs. Scale is 1 BU = 1m.


  • Jay-Artist profile picture

    Hi Sizzler,

    I've been noticing you blends a lot lately, it's a breath of fresh air someone actually making models that others are likely to use for projects, well done and keep it up! ;)

    Written April 02, 2012
  • sizzler profile picture

    Thanks, Jay. I've been wanting to do some modeling for a while now but haven't had the chance...doing my small part for the Blender community!

    I love your Break Time models, btw!

    Edited April 02, 2012
  • aad345 profile picture

    Thanks for sharing as usual Sizzler :)

    Written April 02, 2012
  • sizzler profile picture

    No problem, glad you like it!

    Written April 04, 2012
  • Jay-Artist profile picture

    My idea exactly Sizzler, feel I've been getting stuff free for a long time now, about time I gave something back. Thanks for the comment on the Break-Time blend, just proves simple stuff can be well recieved.

    I'm working on a Cycles interior scene just now that'll I'll post soon to Bswap, taking a while - not sure what I'm going to do with the wood floor texture though, very few that look authentic have the right license to give away.

    Written April 03, 2012
  • sizzler profile picture

    These seem to be free and look pretty good:

    Barring that, you could take a photo of a real hardwood floor and make it seamless via photoshop?

    Written April 04, 2012
  • Jay-Artist profile picture

    Thanks for the link Sizzler, always dubious these days when there's no licence info. The floor texture I'm using just now is so much more reaslistic - hard to switch to something of lesser quality. I guess I'll end up including all other textures and leave the floor to the user - not like a floor texture takes much effort to add ;)

    Written April 05, 2012
  • cgmex profile picture

    I wonder how to give credit. I'm a stage director (Dramatics arts), I'm working on a play and I'm doing some animated "storyboards". anyway, the credit must be like this: 3d table model by sizzler

    Should i write it down in the video or in a separate note I'm planing to post it in my facebook page, and later on Youtube

    By the way could i modicate it, i mean scale it up longer, and add some textures?

    Sorry for my English!!

    Written January 31, 2016
  • sizzler profile picture

    Hi cgmex,

    I think either way you choose for the credit is fine.

    You are welcome to modify it. In terms of textures, I should warn you that it's not UV-mapped.

    Glad you like the model!

    Written January 31, 2016
  • LOTR2317 profile picture

    Dude I have that exact table!

    Written May 25, 2020
  • sizzler profile picture

    Nice! It is modeled after a real table!

    Written June 30, 2020