every time I open blender there is that default cube thingy, every tutorial I ever seen starts with that cube and every time the first thing that seems to be done is the cube get deleted out ready for something more complex but this time the cube is back and its brought its buddys hehehehe
I'm setting the Borg Cube as my default start-up cube scene thingy.
I hope blender assimilate 3d share on every other 3d software like 3ds ,maya,... blender is best for me ,and have someone tried to copy it and sell it in the past ,someone downloaded the source and rebranded it whit the code of 2.5 as was writed on a page of blender.org. <a href="http://www.blender.org/blenderorg/blender-foundation/press/re-branding-blender/" rel="nofollow">Rebranded belender page on Blender.org</a>,personaly warned every 3d sites's administrator of the websites i know to spread that bad news but in the same time a good news becouse mark that blender is enough good to be copied.
I am apparently not good at textures. cant get it to texture properly. :/
Ha, the cube is all and everything (I never delete the cube! I assimilate the cube (which is why in all my projects the mesh is named cube (not in multi object models, then I rename them because cube, cube.001 //..// get's confusing)
Either way getting offtopic for this little comment, just here to say that I like cubes.
Your post is incredibly thoughtful and well-written. If anyone else is looking for more on this subject, 안전토토사이트추천 might be a useful link to follow for additional reading.
We are the cubes, deleting is futile!
So many memories...