Here is 4 different .blends from a tutorial I created for Hair on characters in blender. The tutorial can be found here
All 4 files use the same head, but shows different hair style. The tutorial itself is 1hr long but a lot of information are covered.
Super et bravo pr ton "French accent"
NN sérieusement super rig.. j ai 14ans et ce rig va coler a mon perso super ! et la vidéo wow!magnifique vs parlez hyper bien anglais srx alors quand j ai vu en description que vs vs excusiez pr votre mauvais accent ca m a tué :') bref mrc et doutez pas en vs, vs etes génial et si vouc pouviez un peu m aider par skype ce serait super :D mon skype: BuildTheDeath Voila a+ j espere et GG
Jeannot, what I have been trying to find out is the best way to create a loosely hanging pony tail. Can you suggest a method? It seems to be one of the hardest Hair tasks.
That could be done a couple of ways. The 1st easiest might be a simple deform. I wouldn't try using dynamics though. 2nd would be multiple lattices deforming the hair at the end into a ponytail shape. 3rd would be trying to use curve guides, hooks then proxy meshes with hinge contstraints. The 3rd one is probably not recommended since the amount of work would exceed the enjoyment of the result.
Personally you could always have a regular hairstyle meet at the bun , knot or whatever its called and inside would be a circle hidden (uncheck emitter) with filled faces providing the hair for the ponytail hanging down. Then you could possible make a bone that would keep it pinned to the head and allow the ponytail to use dynamics with collision enabled. Then... it would hang low.
Deadparrot: Very good question, I think I know how I could go about faking it. I will run some tests and make a follow up tutorial if my theory is correct.
Happy Blending :)
Please call me Jeannot (Pronounced Jano), as my name isn't Jean ;) And you are very welcome :)
Happy Blending ;)
Whoa! this will be my first hair training using blender, thank you for the model and the tutorial ;)
Hyuku: You are welcome, I hope it comes in handy ;)
Happy Blending :)
Thank you Jeannot for sharing your great work on blendswap. I really appreciate it.
This will be good practice for making my own partical hair, thanks
So great tutorial, couldnt be more clear.
These blend files are masterpieces !
I have done a simple haircut using the same technics
Unleashing secrets jedi comb powers i managed to get this result with only one particle system.
First time i use Hair system like this !
im a blender noob but i hope i can use this to learn the tricks and techniques to master the hair modelling
una ayuda por favor, hice un personaje al que le agregué pelo, no obstante al mover el personaje el pelo no se mueve con él, que me hace falta? ayúdame por favor
can i import the hair on other avatars like second life or imvu?
I think the last hair looks the best. You should also try this feature at for better understanding. They have more hair options as well.
I love your take on this issue! You’ve explained it in a way that’s easy to follow. For others who want to continue the conversation, 꽁머니토토사이트 could be a useful resource.
Thank you :)