Inspired by the popular Danbo cardboard box robot, this little robot seeks to share the love for Blender. Cardboard material uses a base diffuse image texture with an added glossy and a displacement made by implicit grayscale conversion of the base texture. A secondary decal texture is in conjunction with a second UV layer to add the Blender decals. A simple rig (FK only) is also provided for easy posing of the character.
The scene has a basic light setup and is ready to be rendered using Cycles (maybe you'll have to unpack the textures first).
Thanks! Would make me happy if it could be of use to someone. I learned quite a few things about cycles while doing this :)
I love your take on this issue! You’ve explained it in a way that’s easy to follow. For others who want to continue the conversation, 꽁머니토토사이트 could be a useful resource.
Fun. I may use this guy as an enemy for the game that I'm learning how to make.