
  • May 03, 2012
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: CypherBeta
  • License: CC-0
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I learned a simple little trick to make stuff like this..... not using the remesh modifier or anything, just by parenting. Thought it turned out kinda coolish so I decided to upload it. If you think it looks cool, download. :3

(Btw, I also put in the light probe that I was using to render the image...... The probe comes from a set created by 'smashmethod from deviantart. Check it out, looks pretty cool. I'll post a link when I get the chance...)


  • chrisbreen1995 profile picture

    Nice, did you use the Remesh mod for this?

    Edited May 03, 2012
  • Maxpath profile picture

    Read the description

    Edited May 03, 2012
  • chrisbreen1995 profile picture

    Lol, my bad, its col though

    Written May 03, 2012
  • Michael120 profile picture

    I'm going to go on a limb and say you did almost what BlenderNerd did with the Hexagonal landscape; 'cept you used the landscape-addon?

    Written May 03, 2012
  • CypherBeta profile picture

    Lol chris, maxpath got it lol.

    And michael, Idk what blendernerd did, I just used a cube and a plain. Parent cube to plain, set plain for vertex copy on vertices. Simple as that. :P

    And wow, for first blend and such, got a lotta downloads in a day :D

    Written May 03, 2012
  • ferret304 profile picture

    Thanks for the tips :)

    Written May 04, 2012
  • LunwenHelp profile picture


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