The Armored Core (Robot) from "Armored Core for Answer". You can use this .blend for Free!
Wow, nice work :D
First thing I thought when I saw this was the Zephyr from Front Mission, but I guess I gotta try AC now. You have inspired meh. >:O
How long did this take you?
OH MAN! IT'S THE WHITE GLINT! AND FOR FREE! This is so awesome, bro. Thank you so much!
The White Glint is also in AC4, and when i saw this, I almost literally had a spaz-attack, bc this AC was one of the best allies in the game, and also one of the hardest adversaries when you face him late into the 'Hard' storyline, but this is an amazing looking model, and definitly getting favorited by me.
Gracias, es muy parecido a los mechas de un video de youtube.
holy, that's so detailed!