A creature I made for the Ancient Beast project, http://ancientbeast.com/
Concept art by Katarzyna Zalecka http://kasia88.deviantart.com/
also available on wuala: http://goo.gl/g2YOf
Oops, I forgot about the .blend1. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll try updating the file so it doesn't include that redundancy
Hello! Fantastic model, I love these creatures!. Directly to my favorites, then I'll open for study. Thanks for sharing. Greetings. PDTA: Good luck with the project.
Nicer render over here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=321600244583075&set=a.218496811560086.52671.127356014007500&type=3&theater
Great character design that evokes the imagination. So cute, yet so creepy. So real that I can almost imagine touching it and saying eeewww!
can you build me a model from a drawing? And if so how much would it cost per model?
I cant download the blendfile..@_@ i need to study its textures .T_T
Wow, you must be proud! After all Blender Cookie on YouTube used it for a tutorial on retopology!
textures not showing up on mesh..how do i transfer textures from folder to blend file????
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Nice model there. I've seen it on blenderartist this afternoon if i'm not wrong. Anyway, I think you can supress the .blend1 file from your archive in order to gain space.