N3r-V Close Quarters Combat Rifle
Designed, modeled, unwrapped and
textured by ~betasector.
Original 2d concept:
Full render:
All textures were hand-made, everything
on the gun was designed by me.
Feel free to use, or modify the gun,
just make sure you mention the original
Lights and the camera is on layer 2,
Layer 11 was kept for modifications,
iterations as a temp layer.
Additional accessories are on layer 3:
-peq-2 aiming system
-hd camera
These are not textured and not
Best wishes,
Zsolt Török, betasector
I'm gonna use this for a game i'm making I hope you don't mind when I make my first update video ill give you full credit you're models, You're models are perfect for my game keep up the good work!
I am making an FPs game that takes place in 2017 and I think this will be an option for one of the assault rifles keep up the good work!
Why isnt it showing up in my blender? Its an amazing futuristic weapon and would love to use it for my game.
We are looking for a weapons modeler for a game project we are working on. If you are intrested we would be extremely honored for you to join our team.
If interested, contact: Jacobpaul76@gmail.com
Please Consider
i am also looking for a weapons molder for my game project! my email is etMCaddict@gmail.com
Oh man, amazing. Perfect for my game. Thank you so much for sharing.
no image when you download this gun. it only has 4 files in that zip 1st BLENDSWAP_LICENSE 2nd INFO 3rd n3rv.blend 4th Presentation of n3rv
no actual gun model for the game :(
Cannot see the Gun model (n3rv.blend) in Unity. Any one know this?? please help
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very impressive :)