Book Rig

  • June 08, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Husam
  • License: CC-BY
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This is a rig I've been working on lately. It's largely based on this rig by John David Marte: The rig is far from perfect. Still I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved so far and decided to share it with you guys. Feedback is welcome here:

Note: This rig is heavily dependent on drivers and for them to work you must enable Auto Run Python Scripts. To do this go to File>User Preferences and enable the tickbox in the File tab. Then you can reload the file and run the script in the text window. Please be aware that this is a security setting and should be disabled if you don't need it. Otherwise you run the risk of allowing malicious code to be run on your machine. DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!


  • illmortem profile picture

    Amazing... I've been waiting for something exactly like this to come along! Great work!!

    Edited June 09, 2012
  • chaad profile picture

    Great work !

    Edited June 09, 2012
  • masluch profile picture

    What about textures? Is it possible to texture the flipping pages? If not it's probably not very useful for comercial work.

    Edited June 12, 2012
  • seanmavley profile picture

    You can texture the individual pages. @masluch

    Edited October 09, 2015
  • PeeDee76 profile picture

    excellent share thanks

    Edited June 13, 2012
  • Acki Loon profile picture
    Acki Loon

    awsome! thanks for the great work!

    Edited June 15, 2012
  • Jonnipix profile picture


    Edited June 15, 2012
  • kevin_rocker_lake profile picture

    Bloody cool!

    Edited June 20, 2012
  • InsaneXade profile picture

    sweet! I could really use this :D thanks

    Edited July 08, 2012
  • pequeno3d profile picture

    Wow, incredible rig!

    Congratulations dude. ;)

    Edited July 18, 2012
  • WIRLOW profile picture



    PDTA: O_o o_O

    Edited November 16, 2012
  • karo861 profile picture

    Amazing!! I'm astonished by the quality and detail... Thank you very much, and congrats :)

    Edited November 20, 2012
  • Husam profile picture

    Hey guys. Thanks for the encouraging comments.

    Just in case it isn't clear the video I posted is of the original Maya rig by John David Marte. I just realized some people might get confused thinking the video is a demo of my rig, which is a mere imitation and of a far inferior quality compared to the original.

    Written November 26, 2012
  • sid_ninja profile picture

    Far from perfect? PWHAA

    Edited June 15, 2013
  • candolastir profile picture

    how do i use it

    Edited March 26, 2014
  • candolastir profile picture

    please help

    Edited March 26, 2014
  • candolastir profile picture

    i did everything but when i change the things nothing happens

    Written March 26, 2014
  • Husam profile picture


    For those folks who are having problems with the rig please read the note in the description.


    Written March 27, 2014
  • ugauga profile picture

    great it's awesome model thanks..

    Edited May 27, 2014
  • abascgi profile picture

    thats the best... yes...

    Written April 18, 2015
  • Thomandy profile picture

    Great job! Only problem I have is that Im not able to scale the book down.. At the moment its larger than my character.. :)

    Edited May 08, 2015
  • veggiet profile picture

    This is awesome, I am noticing some issue with pages sticking at random angles.

    Edited August 25, 2015
  • GavinZac profile picture

    Everything is working great for me. Unfortunately I haven't yet figured out how to use keyframes to animate it through the custom properties.

    Edited December 02, 2015
  • Burro profile picture


    Edited March 03, 2016
  • CosmicPigeon profile picture

    Not working for me HELP

    Written August 21, 2016
  • czeky profile picture

    Look for an alert in the middle screen, in the top menu, enable and it is working.

    Edited April 21, 2017
  • DoodleNotes profile picture

    GREAT WORK! Thanks for sharing! :D

    Edited February 04, 2018
  • pgsibilo profile picture

    thank you so much

    Edited February 08, 2018
  • aajjss profile picture

    Thank you for this. I used this as the starting point for the smaller book in this video. You have been credited as per CC-BY licence.

    Edited March 29, 2018
  • Husam profile picture

    You are welcome. Glad you found it useful. I'm a bit surprised it still works after all this time with newer versions of Blender. I think a face-lift is in order. Might get around to doing it someday when I have the time.

    Nice animation BTW :)

    Written April 02, 2018
  • cet77 profile picture

    Hi, I've been looking into your book-rig. :) It's really nice. There is only one tiiiiiny little thing tho.. =p Is there any possibility you could get the script/rig working with blender 2.8? I know it's still in alpha, but I really, really would like to use it in an animation I'm working on. :)

    Edited August 13, 2018
  • Husam profile picture

    I've really been meaning to do just that for quite a while now but unfortunately I've never had the time to get around to doing it. Plus I'm rusty as I haven't touched blender in a while and I don't know how much the python API has changed. Can't promise that I'll be able to upgrade it anytime soon but you never know. If you need something urgently you can try some of the other rigs out there or try and approach a professional rigger to recreate/polish/upgrade this one. I provided links to the original Maya tutorial so it shouldn't be too hard for someone who knows what they're doing to do a better job than I did ;)

    Written August 19, 2018
  • antonclaten profile picture

    pelit woyyy

    Written October 26, 2018
  • trixiemay profile picture

    Amazing work! Save a ton of rigging time. Thanks for sharing.

    Written January 16, 2019
  • zwrodgers profile picture

    Hi, I'm trying to texture pages on your book rig. And I've noticed that your book rig "stretches" pages non-uniformly when they turn. This stretches the texture that's applied to the page. How would you get around this?

    Written February 22, 2019
  • sdgsdgds profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀검증순위 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written February 06, 2025
  • qwertyqwertyhhh profile picture

    I found this post to be very helpful and informative. For those who are looking for further discussion on the matter, 먹튀사이트검증 is a great resource to continue learning.

    Written February 08, 2025