Enjoy 6 colors of car paint, from a vibrant green to a conservative navy! All the colors use a variation of the same node system, which works on four glossy shaders. The bottom shader should always be left at white and 0 roughness, for that gives you the crisp reflections of a shiny paint. The middle shader determines the overall color of your paint; the one above it should be a darker shader of that color, and that gives you the rich tone shift of your paint. Finally, the last shader should be a lighter and more vibrant shade of the color so that your highlights seem to "glow" and light up the paint. The highlights get a nice gradient from the fresnel shader that makes the highlights whiter towards the edges.Please attribute me if you post it online or something, or if you use it for a major project. Enjoy!
-Conner Addison
Could you make a white one as well? I'm having trouble making a white car look realistic.
I'm trying to make a white one too, as well as a black one. You're right, they're not hard to make, but they are hard to make look realistic.
I downloaded this file awhile back and just recently had the time to check it out, so I had to stop by to give some props to the creator...Nice job, they have come in very handy for me. Thank you for your effort and great work.
I wish I'd seen this before I uploaded my 300 SL, I'll have to use this for the E-type. Thanks
i have referred like 1000 people to this site. its the best material I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.
What about commercial usage? And thanks for sharing such a wonderful materials.
Oh nevermind. I just viewed the CC Zero License. And apologies for posting to the wrong person.
The folder is empty http://prntscr.com/5pspiu
Please check out what is the problem.
:| Everyone is over here saying it works and talking about how awesome it is but when i open it up on winrar there is a file folder where the colors should be... but its completely empty. Someone please help ;-;
Instead of naming the colors Green, blue, red... You should give them interesting names, such as Racer Red, Lagoon Blue, Like something interesting. I would also appreciate it if you could make different types if carpaint, like Matte, Glossy, metallic, and iredescent. Those would be cool.
Fantastic, thank you. Still working 2.79 and 2018. The top level lacquer shader allows changing the look of the material without messing up the colour effect. Works well for things like bottle caps and nail varnish.
Car paint typically has a clear coat on top for added shine Watermelon Game and protection. Add a second glossy shader to simulate this clear coat. Adjust the roughness to control the level of shine. Connect it to the same material output as the base color.
nice colors!