Praying Mantis

  • June 20, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: OndoreLibre
  • License: CC-0
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A Praying Mantis model thats rigged and includes a 4 legged walk cycle, 6 legged walk cycle, attack cycle, idle cycle and a wings opening action. All the textures are included. The scene, which is just the model, ground plane and lamps (sorry nothing fancy), was rendered in cycles. I've rendered out a short animation which includes each of the above mentioned actions. Its not anything special, but just to give you some sort of idea what the actions are like that are included with the rig. The video can be found on my youtube channel under the same name, "Ondorelibre". Umm..yah I think thats it...any questions or whatever feel free to let me know. Thanks...laters.


  • theHU profile picture

    Hi, I am trying to play a bit around with your rig, but i cant find the walkcycles. The only animation i see from frame 0 - 50 is (i think) the idle.

    Maybe someone can give me a hint how to see the other animations in blender.

    greetings Markus

    Written June 21, 2012
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    yah in the action editor window the menu bar has a section where the current action name is in this case if the idle animation is playing if I remember right it should say mantis_idle_cycle or something like that...but next to that theres a button with little diamond like icons when you click its kind of a drop down and the rest of the actions should be listed there to select from. Yah the idle animation is a 50 frame loop, but the walkcycles are only 25 frame loops so when you select one of them just change the amount of frames in the timeline to 25 and they should loop correctly....hope that made sense and helps..let me know if you have any other questions

    Written June 21, 2012
  • Abracsi profile picture

    These models are great, and the growing collection is giving people a real decent working set of insects. Thank you so much! How about a woodlouse! :-)

    Written June 21, 2012
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    Yah no problem I'm glad you like them..haha yah...upon reading woodlouse..i had no idea what that was..had to look it up.turns out its cuz I refer to them as roly-polys and potato bugs...I wont make any promises but yah I'll try and see what I can do.

    Written June 21, 2012
  • paulbird profile picture
    Edited June 21, 2012
  • paulbird profile picture
    Edited June 21, 2012
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    not sure if you tried the directx exporter addon but I'm pretty sure it comes preinstalled with blender now but just needs to be enabled in the addons under the user preferences. Heres a link to the blender wiki for the addon: ...ive never tried useing it so I'm not sure if it works but hope that helps...and sorry if I'm just suggesting what you've already tried...haha...let me know if you have any luck with it

    Written June 22, 2012
  • paulbird profile picture
    Edited June 23, 2012
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    yah based on the description i think you would just select all the objects and armatures you want to export and then in the settings select to export only selected objects....hope it works for you...any other questions or whatever shoot me any email ...ill respond faster

    Edited June 23, 2012
  • scott.christoph profile picture

    It looks great. I got it set up and all the images loaded. However, it looks like you have a specific image file and bump file for the eyes, which I didn't find. I'm working on a file to replace it atm.

    Written July 31, 2012
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    Glad you got it set up! If I remember right I think the eye material was basically the same as the main material...I just changed the glossy value and the bump value... but it uses the same image textures as the main material for both the surface and displacement. Hope that helps...any other questions or whatever let me know..thanks.

    Written July 31, 2012
  • BettyCat profile picture

    Downloaded the model. Going to try it out in a demo project for a class, will let you know how it goes. Thanks!

    Written February 09, 2013
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    Great to hear. Hope it works with your project.

    Written February 09, 2013
  • novino profile picture

    Beautiful model ! Used it to design an motorized mantis for a friend. You can check a video on my channel :

    Cheers Nicolas

    Written September 05, 2013
  • OndoreLibre profile picture

    Oh, wow! I just watched the video thats really amazing. Very exciting to see the model used like this. I'm happy you were able to use it. Thanks for letting me know about this and for the link to the video. Its really awesome!

    Written September 05, 2013
  • Koto profile picture

    Great one!

    Written February 28, 2014
  • michaelvanham profile picture

    Hi OndoreLibre,

    Thank you very much for sharing this asset!

    I have used your Praying Mantis in the creation of a short game about a monarch butterfly migrating south for the winter.

    The game is released on itch @

    Written June 07, 2024