Paper Bridge Staff Pick

  • June 22, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: TheDuckCow
  • License: CC-BY
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This was a mini project that I used to kick off my entry for Andrew Price's Photorealism Contest. The idea was to force myself to pay attention to details of a model by drawing it out its components by hand. Then as a sort of gimick, I scanned my drawings and created a simple "paper" structure in cycles.

Though the actual render I plan on creating will be on the real-world scale of a bridge/river scene, I thought the result of this was interesting and looked fairly realistic. It should be noted that to get the edges clipped, I heavily used photoshop's wonderful selection masking and refining tools (which is probably the number one reason I stopped using gimp). These imperfect edges are what sell the effect


~Patrick W. Crawford


  • kammalu profile picture

    That is really cool!

    Written June 22, 2012
  • monomorph profile picture

    nice idea nicely done. Your work is much appreciated from this side of the screen. :)

    Written June 23, 2012
  • zotikos profile picture

    I've made a stereoscopic rendering of your model and gave due credit. Have a look:

    Written June 25, 2012
  • thefull9yards profile picture

    I think this should be a staff pick or something. I am fascinated with this idea, and I think it could even yield some cool animations. Nice job!

    Edited June 26, 2012
  • mofx profile picture

    Completely agree, great job @theduckcow. Now a Staff Pick

    Written June 26, 2012
  • TheDuckCow profile picture

    Wow, I'm honored to have contributed a staff pick for this site!

    I always find it difficult to find things to upload here since I usually use cgtextures (and it's a pain to go back and document the textures used). I'll try harder in the future though :)

    Written June 28, 2012
  • reidh profile picture

    You could have obtained clunky cut edge look from using K-Tool on imported images>planes with exact heights of each. Which is 1. easier 2. cheaper ? However I think you have accomplished your goal and the model/render is great. Btw, what means [ Models & Rigs by Bart ] ?

    Written November 24, 2015
  • SierranFoxtrot profile picture

    I am in love with this. Added it to my collection just so I can pull it up for inspiration! This is gorgeous!

    Written September 18, 2016