Node compositing exporter

  • July 05, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: muritaka
  • License: CC-BY
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A simple Node compositing exporter.

Its intended to export all renderpasses in some nice PNG RGBA files to use later in an external compositor like Fusion, flame,motion,NUKE, after effects etc...

It gives you a complete "post control" over:

-deph of field

-mist, atmospherics etc.

-motion blur



The blend. file comes with a image showing what node value you should adapt for your scene,

the aim is to have the more info possible, avoid black and complete white for the deph, and try to have the more color variation in the speed passe, tweak theses nodes by previewing with a viewer node and the backdrop :D

You also need to setup the output, but it will always output in nice named folders you can drag and drop in your favorite app and it will automatically create you different sequences.

You might be thinking "dam that's useless, use the compositor!" but having this node setup along with a good compositing program is really liberating and fun, you can almost see your post effects and their result on your animation in realtime!

Please credit "Efflam Mercier" for "node setup", "exporting" or "export pipeline"...

Happy blending!


  • Sakrecoer profile picture

    I used to dream about this. Until i found in a blendercookie tutorial that rednering to OpenEXR allows you to keep all render pass and render layers in one single file!

    Then you can composite how ever you want using an image output containg the OpenEXR image. Works for signle image and sequences :)

    Thanks anyways!

    Written November 25, 2013