I created this simple model of a Mitzubishi Zero WWII fighter plane for a short animation project I am working on. The model has been kept fairly low poly (9364 faces) and I have UV unwrapped and textured the model based on images from the Wings Pallet website, background sky was adapted from a free skymap from Blender artists. A camera pass animation has been included with some basic compositing. This is my second blend swap, and a companion to the P51 Mustang I recently uploaded. Happy Blending!
Could you possibly link me to a tutorial regarding the prop's motion blur? This is just gorgeous.
Saliim, Sorry this has taken so long to reply too, I don't check here as often as I should. if you take a look at the blend file of both this and the P51 I have posted the method is included in the file. but if your still struggling let me know and I will try and do a walk through. the trick is using layers and compositing. ;)