Flying Combat Drone

  • July 21, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ultrasuperbox
  • License: CC-0
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This is a random aircraft concept me and a friend came up with. It's quite simple, nothing too special. We used the predator drone and the dual rotor helicopter vehicle from James Cameron's Avatar. I focused mainly on modeling so I apologized if it's not rigged or anything. It's also not supposed to be textured since the predator drone has the same white look. I'll be more than happy if you guys use this model. Credit is not required, but would be very appreciated. :)


  • superpieman99 profile picture

    nice, im gonna use it as part of a futuristic FPS im making, alot like Black Ops 2.

    Written July 22, 2012
  • ultrasuperbox profile picture

    cool! please link me a pic or video of it in use if you can

    Written July 22, 2012
  • superpieman99 profile picture

    will do, although i may not finish, but if i do, ill give you a link so you can download it.

    Written July 22, 2012
  • ultrasuperbox profile picture

    thank you :)

    Written July 23, 2012
  • Rock76222 profile picture

    I'd love to see that game too

    Written January 02, 2014
  • W.A.R. profile picture

    Hi, is it okay if I use this as a place holder for my killlstreak i my FPS ill link you to the update video when I upload it :D thanks

    Written September 16, 2012
  • ultrasuperbox profile picture

    Yup, its ok, sweet thanks, i'm excited to see the output

    Written September 25, 2012
  • RainbowLauncher profile picture

    This is really cool! I'm gonna use it as part of my Christmas animation, I'll give you credit and everything. If you're interested, go subscribe to my channel:

    I'll be releasing it on Christmas Day!

    Written December 08, 2013