Metal Gear Yordle Fan Art

  • August 06, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Dimmyxv
  • License: CC-0
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Yeah... it's me again... and it's the Rumble's mech again. But this one is more alike to appear in the Metal Gear game, cuz it seems there'll be no champion in the LOL that can fight one with both railgun, gatling and rocket laucher (lol). Just before Solid Snake take this one down, somebody please tell me what happened to the third missile launcher? I'm sure it was there in the 3D view window, why it's not in the rendered picture?

And do whatever you want with this. All the extra gears are in layer 2, you may want to use them on your own mech or tank or something like that. Have fun~


  • markthema3 profile picture

    I. Love. You. Rumble is a beast as is, but you forgot one thing that he needs above anything else: a new cooling system.

    Edited August 06, 2012
  • Dimmyxv profile picture

    lol, how can I forgot that!

    Written August 07, 2012