Cycles PBR Shader

  • January 27, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: RajkrishanGhosh
  • License: CC-0
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How to use: Open your Blender Project. Go to File -> Append -> Where you saved pbr_shader_group.blend -> NodeTree -> PBR Shader. Then in Node Editor, Go to Add -> Group -> PBR Shader.

Inputs and properties: Metal - lower value means dielectric, higher value means more metallic shading. "Diffuse" - The Albedo/Diffuse color input. Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). "AO" - The Ambient Occlusion Input. Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). AO Factor - Denotes how much the Diffuse color is affected by the "AO" input. Gloss Color - Colour of the Shine/Gloss. "Gloss Factor" - How much basic Gloss/Shine there should be (does not include Fresnel Gloss for metal). Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). "Roughness" - The roughness of the Shine/Gloss. Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). Fresnel IOR - Fresnel for Gloss of Slant surfaces. Fresnel Factor - Amount of Freshnel used. "Normal" - Normal Map input. Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). "Height" - Height Map/Bump Map input. Quotation marks means PBR image expected (but not mandatory). Bump Amount - How much fake Bump there should be. Normal Amount - How much fake normal geometry there should be. Displace Amount - Amount of actual displacement.

Outputs: Shader - Shader output for Surface Material Output. Displace - Displacement Output in case of Microdisplacement Enabled.

Notes: 1. Adaptive Subdivision doesn't support normal inputs at the time of Blender 2.78a, so if you are using Adaptive Subdivision and not getting any output, Select the PBR Shader node group and Press Tab. Then plug out the normal inputs for the Diffuse and Glossy shader, and it will work. 2. At the time of Blender 2.78a, to use the Displace Output, Under Render Properties, under render, change the Feature Type from "Supported" to "Experimental". Also under Material Properties, under Settings, change the displacement method to True.

Have fun, and happy blending!


  • marthana80 profile picture

    thanks now I need to learn how to use it!! =0

    Edited February 12, 2017
  • Reitanna profile picture

    when i go to "group," there are no options. the shader isn't there. what should i do?

    Written October 02, 2020
  • janicebole profile picture

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    Written October 11, 2023